
Please sign-in to use radio.media.

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Wait! What the heck is radio.media?

radio.media is a 24-hour music & webcam hangout for the Media Lab extended community. Listen to music and live shows together! Upcoming events are listed on our Google Calendar.

radio.media currently requires Chrome to use all its features. When you log in, Chrome will ask for permissions to use your camera & microphone. We don't actually use your microphone, but Chrome needs your permission for the video feeds to work. You will still be able to choose if people see you or not. Nobody will be able to hear you (but there is a chat window for talking to everyone).

Listen to music

radio.media is always playing music. Click the green triangle to hear an automatic selection of tracks 24/7 at the same time as everyone visiting the channel. When a live DJ show starts, the stream will switch over to their live performance!

Alternatively, if you aren't using Chrome on a computer, you can use almost any network capable player to listen to just the audio stream (click on the ? icon to get the audio stream URL).

See who's here

You can choose to turn on your webcam and wave! radio.media is designed as a hangout space, so people can turn their webcams on if they are looking for some company while they work. But if you don't want to be seen, it's totally up to you!

When we're having a party on radio.media, you'll have a widescreen view of the DJ and everyone joining the party. Use text chat to say hi!

Turn it up

We've been discussing bug fixing/feature development on Slack and taking feedback on the #radio Slack channel. It's also the place to chat live with other radio.media users, especially during live events.

We'd love for you to host your own shows and parties on radio.media! Just ask on #radio for scheduling and tech support, and we'll get you on the calendar.

Thanks for joining us!
-The radio.media Crew